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  • 他从身后伸出手来,修长有力的手指将她的手握住,重新放下轿帘
  • K-pop (ke? p?p,是英文 Koreanpop的缩写形式缉郸光肝叱菲癸十含姜,即“韩国流行音乐”


  • 大家好,今天我给大家介绍一下自己,我叫xx,我喜欢和别人交朋友,希望我们能相处的很愉快。我现在正在学习韩语,在去年夏天已经通过了韩语的初级考试。下面,我想做一个韩文的自我介绍。……我的梦想是去韩国延世大学留学,毕业后在韩国的济州岛生活,那里有美丽的大海,以及韩国最大的泰迪熊博物馆。我想跟同学们讨论一个问题——时间不会改变什么。有人说,时间不会改变爱情,有人说,时间会改变一切。我觉得时间不会改变我们的本心。我最喜欢的电影《中国合伙人》中有这样一句台词…..这句话的意思是,时间会改变一切,但不会改变我们最初的梦想。尽管在前进的道路上有许多困难,但是成功与否取决于我们自己。求大神翻译啊~~
  • Hello everone I introduce myself to you today, my name is XX, I like to make friends with others, I hope we can get along very happy. Im learning Korean now, in the summer of last yearhas passed the primary examination in korean. Here, I would like to make a self introduction. … my dream is to go to the Yonsei University, after graduation in South Koreas life in Jeju Island, wherethe beautiful sea, and South Koreas largest Tactic bear museum. I want to talk to the studentsabout a problem — what time does not change. Some people say, time will never change the love,some people say, time will change everything. I think time will not change our mind. I most like the movie "Chinese partner" in this sentence… This sentence mean, time will change everything, but can not change our initial dream. Although along the way there are a lot of difficulties, but success depends on our own.